This lesson could be used to fulfill Service #2 which says: Write a letter to a teacher, your parents, or your grandparents telling them what you appreciate and respect about them. This is from the Faith in God book that can be found here.
Tonight was all about fathers!
To begin I had them each write something about themselves on a piece of printer paper. Then I had them crumple the paper up into a ball. I gathered them and told them we would use them later.
Next I asked if they knew any songs about fathers. We sang a couple from the Children's Songbook. Daddy's Homecoming and A Happy Family.
As we sang each song we talked about the words and what we learn about fathers from the lyrics.
We made a list on the board of the qualities that Dads have. I emphasize their roles as providers and protectors.
Next they filled out a worksheet:
"In our family dad is the best at sports"
"My favorite memory with my Dad is when we went to the Grand Canyon"
"My favorite memory with my Dad is when he coached me in soccer!"
"In our family, my dad is the best at eating chocolate."
It is so fun to read their thoughts about their dads.