Tonight was a lot of fun! As they were arriving, I had them do some activity pages that I got at the dollar store. (They were actually placemats that had different activities on them).
Next I told the story called "Teach the Children". I found it
here. I did not tell the story verbatim. In fact, I'm not sure the story part is even necessary. But it's fun to have the children come and select an item from a bag and then talk about each item. Their insights are a lot fun!
Next we talked about the events surrounding the birth of the Savior. I used pictures from the gospel art kit for this discussion. They are so smart! I love asking them what they know about the different events and also about some of the amazing things Christ did while he was on the earth. They are so insightful and ready to learn and share.
After the discussion, I used a
Nativity File Folder game that I had made to reinforce the story. Here is the
link. (It took me a good while to make.)
I turned the pieces upside-down on the table and attached the file folder to the chalkboard with magnets. I let the girls come up and select a piece, tell what the piece had to do with the birth, and let them attach it to the proper spot on the file folder. They love doing interactive things like this!
I wanted to sing a song about the Nativity with them from the children's songbook but time did not permit.
I gave them a holiday treat when it was over. We had a fun time!